Def Leppard New Single Kick Released from Album Diamond Star Halos

Diamond Star Halos new Def Leppard Album to be released 27-May-22

Def Leppard is one of our favourite bands so it was exciting to suddenly hear that there was a new album release ‘Diamond Star Halos‘, on May 27th and a new single ‘Kick‘ being released on March 17th. It’s a lot different to the days when you read about releases in a magazine or heard about it on the radio. Already there is artwork of the release showing different formats like cd, vinyl streaming etc. There is so much information around and so easy to find.

Probably even more surprising is the different formats available. It is well known that there are people that are still into vinyl records and that has made somewhat of a comeback. More surprising is that this album is even available on cassette tape.  I thought tapes had gone the way of the dinosaurs. There are also exclusive versions, some with 2 extra songs, and different limited versions available.

Def Leppard Diamond Star Halos
Vinyl Records, CD and Tape versions are all available

Def Leppard Single Kick Released

The first single ‘Kick‘ was the last song recorded for Diamond Star Halos, Phil Collen came up with the song after they thought the album was wrapped up. It was similar to what happened with Pour Some Sugar On Me. Joe Elliot was messing around with a song idea and was heard by producer Mutt Lange who said they had to do it and get it on the album Hysteria. One could say the rest is history. It is unlikely that Kick will have the same influence that PSSOM had for the album Hysteria but why take the chance. Have a listen to it.

Stream Def Leppard New Single Kick

You can stream Kick on all the major streaming platforms. Click on the picture to go to a page that has links to them all

Def Leppard Diamond Star Halos Track List

There are 15 songs on the album with some special releases having 2 bonus songs. The album was all done remotely due to restrictions from Covid. In an interview Phil Collen said, “Because of that, I think the album is way more diverse, it’s way deeper, There’s more on it than a lot of our previous records, in terms of depth, in terms of instrumentation, in the way we experimented with different sounds, and how we actually projected the songs themselves.”
1. Take What You Want
2. Kick
3. Fire It Up
4. This Guitar [feat. Alison Krauss]
5. SOS Emergency
6. Liquid Dust
7. U Rok Mi
8. Goodbye For Good This Time
9. All We Need
10. Open Your Eyes
11. Gimme A Kiss That Rocks
12. Angels ( Can’t Help You Now)
13. Lifeless
14. Unbreakable
15. From Here To Eternity
Exclusive Release bonus Songs
16. Goodbye For Good This Time – Avant- Garde Mix
17. Lifeless – Joe Only Version

Def Leppard Touring

Def Leppard are famous for their live performances. They currently have a tour scheduled in the USA from 16th of June running through to 19th of September. It is likely there will be more dates and countries added after that which may inlude the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and more. You can find all the tour dates at

Since the album is coming out before the tour starts it is likely that Kick and possibly another single will be played at the shows.

Def Leppard performing live

Your Thoughts

Now that you have been able to listen to the new single what do you think of it? Let us know in the comments.
Def Leppard 2022
Def Leppard 2022
Def Leppard Diamond Star Halos
An Australian version of Diamond Star Halos has red and yellow records

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